Welcome to the diary I kept while travelling for two weeks in Turkey.
Taking this trip was a last minute decision made while I was living – or trying to live – in London (for the second time). Some close friends of mine were to be in Istanbul for a week, and since I’d always wanted to go there, I decided to join them and then spend another week looking around on my own.
Turkey is a fascinating country to visit, even on such a whirlwind schedule as this. Unfortunately a general malaise had overtaken me after almost a year overseas, caused mostly by struggling to survive in London post dot-com crash, when graphic design skills were badly devalued and work was scarce. Coupled with a bad fall halfway through this trip that hurt my back, by the time it was over I was ready to pack it all in and head back home to Sydney; and soon after I did.
Photos are included in this diary, but I apologise for the low quality. I was experimenting with making a video record rather than a photo one, so I used the still camera on the video, which at this time wasn’t capable of taking very good shots.
How to navigate this diary
The Turkey link at the top of the page in the main menu takes you to the main Turkey page where you can access all the days of this diary. Alternatively, start reading here (or anywhere, for that matter) and use the Previous and Next arrows at the bottom of each page to navigate through the days. You can always keep track by looking at the date.
When you’re reading a page, you’ll see blocks of photo thumbnails (wait a little while for all of these to load onto the page). You can roll over a thumbnail to read the photo’s caption.
To see full-size versions of these photos (highly recommended, as the thumbnails are cropped), click on a thumbnail. Once the image is blown up, you can navigate left and right through the full size images, or click the X in the top right hand corner to exit them and go back to the text.
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